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Monday, September 3, 2012

Top 10 Reasons To Do A Fall Cleanse

Woot Woot!   Finally-Dr Elise is on Facebook!

I now have a Facebook page where I am posting daily health tidbits like news items related to health and wellbeing, health tips, recipes and also some personal experiences that might relate to your health as well.  Check it out here: Dr Elise on Facebook

In other news: Its time for the Annual Fall Cleanse!
September is one of my favorite months here in Portland, the skies are mostly sunny with some big puffy clouds, the rain is at a minimum and the mood is happy and motivated.  Its the perfect time to get some new habits under your belt before the holidays roll around.  But if thats not enough motivation, here are 10 other reasons you might consider  joining me this year:

Top 10 reasons to join our fall cleanse:

1.     Because you want to lose 5-10 pounds
2.     For Increased Energy
3.     To kickstart your new school year/fall season with healthy habits
4.     Pre conception detox  (see preconception blog
5.     To help motivate you to make changes in your diet 
6.      For a clear mind and better mood
7.     Better digestion
8.     To get more out of your workouts
9.     Boost your immunity for the upcoming cold and allergy season
10. For better sleep

Really, any reason you can come up with is a good reason to join this cleanse.   To read more about why I choose to cleanse see my blog from last fall here Fall cleanse .  The benefits go far beyond just how you feel at the time of the diet change.  You will experience better energy, improved digestion, and so much more.  Ultimately, it’s a fantastic way to create new habits that can last throughout the year. 

This fall’s cleanse will include an introductory class where I will explain the details of the plan.  This class will be held Saturday September 29th at Blossom Clinic.  It is important to attend this meeting to find out what to eat, and what activities to do while you are cleansing. 

 Included in the cleanse package are:

1.     Introductory class
2.     An individual appointment with me to personalize your cleanse to meet your personal health needs
3.     Two acupuncture treatments with one of Blossom’s fabulous acupuncturists
4.     One final end-of-cleanse appointment to review your experience and symptoms and set a plan for maintaining the benefits you have gained from the cleanse
5.     One container of a detoxifying medical smoothie mix that will be used as a food supplement during the cleanse
6.     One bag of herbal detox tea

To sign up for the cleanse class, call Blossom directly at 503 287 0886 or schedule online

*If you can’t make it to the intro class, give Blossom a call or email and we can discuss your options. 

Friday, July 20, 2012



Finally some sun and warm weather for Portland! Ilove this time of year. Here is a picture from one of my veggie beds.  What a joy to go out my door and harvest a salad. :)

Many of the patients I see have a condition called PCOS.  Some of them are also trying to conceive, others are trying to resolve the symptoms.  Below is an informative piece about this condition.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or respond to this post.

In health,
Dr Elise

Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) – a common cause of fertility problems

Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS, as it is more commonly referred to, is a condition of hormonal imbalance found in women of childbearing age. 

Some of the symptoms of PCOS are:

  • Irregular periods
  • Fertility problems
  • Difficulty losing weight with a distribution of weight around the middle
  • Unwanted hair growth on the chin, jawline, chest or upper legs
  • Acne
  • Loss of scalp hair
  • Ovarian cysts (This is where the name poly cystic ovarian syndrome originated. However, since not all women have this sign, it is a bit of a misnomer)
Twenty years ago PCOS was uncommon. Most doctors knew it as stein levnthal syndrome and it was considered a very rare condition.  Not so today. According the National Women’s Health Information Center 10% of women of childbearing age have PCOS and 30% of women have some symptoms of PCOS.

What causes PCOS?

  • Genetics
  • Insulin Resistance
  • Childhood Obesity
There seems to be a genetic predisposition to PCOS.  In other words, if another woman in your family has it, you are more likely to have it as well.

Insulin is a hormone which helps with blood sugar regulation.  In individuals with insulin resistance, the body cannot utilize insulin correctly and excess fat is stored causing obesity.  Insulin resistance can also cause problems with ovulation and is associated with excess androgen production.  Androgens are the hormones, which produce hair growth, acne and loss of scalp hair in women. 

PCOS may also be related to the rise in obesity in the US. For example, children who are overweight have an increased risk of having this syndrome when they are older.  Obesity causes a hormone imbalance during puberty that sets the metabolism and puts that individual at a higher risk for obesity and problems with normal ovulation for the rest of her life. 

Conventional Treatments for PCOS:

  • Oral birth control to help control symptoms and to regulate periods
  • Drugs to reduce insulin resistance- like metformin
  • Drugs to induce ovulation for fertility- like clomid
  • Weight loss
These medications can help many women reduce symptoms and achieve pregnancy.  But there are a lot of other women who do not find success with these therapies alone. 

Naturopathic Treatments for PCOS:

  • Individualized PCOS nutrition plan
  • Herbs to encourage regular ovulation
  • Nutrients to improve insulin function and hormone balance
Weight loss and proper nutrition is a key part of PCOS treatment, however, women with PCOS have disrupted metabolisms making weight loss difficult.  Simply cutting calories never works for these individuals, which can be very frustrating. 

Naturopathic treatments provide an individualized plan, including nutrition focused on the PCOS metabolism. This can reduce insulin resistance and repair the hormonal disruption caused by it.  Other naturopathic treatments are: herbs to help encourage ovulation and normalize the menstrual cycle, vitamins and minerals to optimize hormone function and drug therapies when needed. This type of treatment protocol can actually reverse the hormone imbalance and help women achieve pregnancy naturally.  I have seen this happen many times!

If you or someone you know wants to more information about how I can help with hormone imbalances like PCOS or fertility challenges call or email Blossom Clinic for a 15 minute naturopathic phone consultation.
Dr Elise
Blossom Clinic

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hello Spring!

Optimize Your Health this Spring with the Following Foods and Activities

photo thanks to Portland Farmers Market- a great place to stock up on fresh spring greens!

The seasons are a changing.  As the temperatures start to rise and the days get longer, our bio rhythms change as well.  Our energy naturally increases and so does our interest in staying up staying up later and sleeping less.  Our digestion and immune systems also take a turn. Spring cleanse anyone? Spring allergies anyone?  The differences are palpable. 

After a winter of eating squashes and sauces and heavy, rich foods, spring marks the time for eating lighter, nutrient dense foods. 

1. #1 Spring food: Spring greens!  Eat bitter greens like dandelion leaf, arugula, mustard greens.  These nutrient dense foods stimulate digestive enzymes and are vitamin and mineral rich.  Green salads mixed with some bitter greens are a great way to include these in your diet.  Also, consider steamed bitter greens recipes as well. 

2. Fruits that are in season like strawberries and kiwis are the best way to get your vitamin C at this time of year, a very important nutrient to balance the immune response associated with spring pollen allergies.

3. Spices: Turmeric as an antinflammatory is a great food for you any time of year, but especially in the spring when allergies abound.

4. Get outside!  Breathing fresh air can increase oxygenation of your entire body increasing your energy and improving your mood.  Open your windows and let fresh air into your house to get the air moving through your home environment.  There are a host of bacteria and dust mites waiting to get outside.  Let them out J

5. Let the sun shine on your skin (for 20 minutes and then put on your sun hat to avoid a spring sun burn). Our vitamin D-starved bodies crave the sunshine on our skin. 

6. Move your body: As we move our muscles, bones and ligaments, our lymph moves which helps with detoxification and healing. 

7. Consider brewing up a batch of a spring time herbal vinegar.

Spring Greens Mineral Rich Vinegar Recipe:
1 bunch nettles (In Portland you can buy this a People’s CO-OP or New Seasons)
1 bunch dandelion leaf
organic apple cider vinegar

Place greens in a wide mouth mason jar. Press the greens so they are crushed down in the jar.  Cover in apple cider vinegar ( Bragg’s is one good quality brand of ACV).  Make sure that greens are covered with the vinegar because pieces not covered may mold.  Let sit for at least one week.  Pour off the vinegar and store in a glass jar.  Compost the left-over greens.

This vinegar is vitamin and mineral rich with vitamins A, B and C and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron. It can be used as a salad dressing or in cooking, also as a tonic for sore muscles, and muscle cramps and as a great spring tonic.

Salad Dressing Recipe:
¼ cup cold pressed olive oil
¼ cup cold pressed flax seed oil
¼ cup spring greens vinegar
1Tbs mustard
salt and pepper to taste
garlic to taste

Spring Tonic Vinegar Drink:
1 Tbs vinegar
1 cup boiling water
honey to taste
drink 1-3 cups daily for improved digestion, increased energy and immune support

My nettle vinegar home brew.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Castor Oil Packs, Wet Sock Treatments, and Saunas...Oh my!

Naturopathic hydrotherapy and home treatments have been in use for at least 100 years, and probably a lot longer.  The purpose of these treatments is to improve circulation of the blood, lymph and nutrients throughout the body, improving healing time, enhancing detoxification and increasing energy. 

One of the best things about these treatments is that they are free!  You do them at home. Think of it, wouldn’t it be nice if when you or a loved one was home sick suffering with cold, flu, belly aches or injury, you had something you could do to make them feel better and hasten the healing process?  Don’t get me wrong, when I’m under the weather, I like to sit on the couch and veg out as much as the next person, however, I also enjoy a speedy recovery.  Naturopathic home treatments are key to speeding up the healing process, and in my experience are more helpful than many medications or herbs.

Below are the guidelines for the wet sock treatment used for headaches, sinus congestion, to increase immunity, improve immune function and to increase quality and quantity of sleep.  While seeming counter intuitive, this therapy actually work wonders. Many a cold has been stopped in it tracks by three consecutive days of wet sock treatments.  Try it out next time you or a loved one starts to feel the tell-tale signs of impending illness.  Wet sock treatment is also a useful tool to combat insomnia.

Wet Sock Treatment:
1.      Warm up feet in a hot bath or shower
2.      Moisten a pair of cotton socks with cold water. Be sure to wring them out - they should not be sopping wet
3.      Place the cold, wet socks on warmed feet, cover with a pair of DRY WOOL socks and go directly to bed.
4.      Repeat 3 nights in a row

If you are interested in learning more about how to use naturopathic treatments, I’ll be teaching a class next Monday at the Wellspring School  in Southeast Portland:

Nature Cure Home Treatments
Monday  3/5/12  6-7:30pm

To Register click HERE  

Monday, February 13, 2012

Heart Health Valentine

Some heart health tips for my favorite patients.  It’s valentines day after all!

  1. Eat more healthy fats: raw nuts like walnuts, almonds, cashews all have great hormones building, immune system building fats.  Eat many.  Why raw? because in the process of roasting, salting and storing them on the shelf at your grocery store, they often go rancid. rancid oils are not heart healthy.  Here is a recipe for some fantastic salty nuts that have preserved the quality of the fats:
Crispy Walnuts:
Thanks to Sally Fallon from Nourishing Traditions for the following tried and true recipe for amazing walnuts:   

4 cups walnut halves and pieces, preferably fresh shelled
2 teaspoons salt
filtered water

Mix nuts with salt and water and leave in a warm place for at least 4 hours or overnight. Drain in a colander and rinse with cool water. Spread on a stainless steel baking pan and place in a warm oven (no more than 150 degrees) for 12 to 24 hours, turning occasionally, until completely dry and crisp. Store in the refrigerator, as the fats in walnuts can go rancid quickly.

  1. Fish oil 
Fish is an important part of a heart healthy diet. Seafood is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer and other ailments. Omega-3s are especially important for pregnant and nursing women, and young children. Unfortunately, some fish carry toxins that can become harmful when eaten frequently.  Here is an abbreviated guide as to which fish are safe to eat.
Fish to eat:
Cod – US line caught
Halibut – pacific wild
Salmon (Alaska wild)
Scallops (farmed)
Pink Shrimp
Striped Bass
Rainbow Trout (farmed)

Chilean Seabass
Atantic Flounder, Halibut and Sole
Lobster (Brazil)
Mahi Mahi
Orange Roughy
Imported Shrimp
Red Snapper
Tilapia (imported)
Tuna – all canned

For an exhaustive list, a buying guide, or to download one on your mobile device, check out SEAFOOD WATCH  

  1. Reduce stress – stress causes a strain on the cardiovascular system. How? It’s mostly hormonal – the inflammation caused by the increase in stress hormones can worsen the risk of heart disease in predisposed individuals.  Find ways to reduce stress in your life; foster fun and healthy relationships, talk to your family more, find a type of exercise that you like to do and do it, or another activity that makes you happy like acting, knitting, dancing, or movies.

4. Deep breathing, a.k.a. the belly breath – something we can all do a little more of.  While waiting for your internet connection to load, taking a shower, sitting in your car, lying in your bed, or anytime really – take full deep breaths, filling your lungs from the top to the bottom.  When taking a truly deep  breath, one should feel her belly expand, and also feel like she is breathing into the space in her back. Make the exhale longer than the inhale in order to fully expand the lungs.  A practice of deep breathing has been shown to lower blood pressure throughout the day (not just when you are deep breathing), activates the parasympathetic nervous system, and helps with relaxation.

Monday, January 30, 2012

B Vitamin Injections

B vitamins are essential nutrients that our bodies use for many processes from head to toe.  B 12 in particular is vital in the production of  red blood cells, the function of the nervous system and DNA production.  B 12 and the other B vitamins are usually absorbed in the digestive tract, however in many cases absorption is hindered by digestive system problems.  For this reason B vitamins are often given as injections in order to override the digestive system.   Many individuals will feel the positive effects of a B vitamin injection within minutes of receiving it and for up to a week afterwards.

What are the benefits of  B vitamin injections:

  1. Energy!
  2. Stress reducer
  3. Mood lifter/anxiety  buster
  4. Helps with nerve damage
  5. Improves sleep
B12 absorption via injection is more effective than if taken orally or sublingually- where much of the vitamin is lost in the process of digesting it

Symptoms of low B12:
  1. Fatigue
  2. Weakness
  3. Numbness and tingling in the hands and feet
  4. Depression
  5. Poor memory
  6. Brain Fog
  7. Sore mouth and tongue
What are the causes:
  1. Impaired absorption in the digestive system- due to aging, digestive difficulties or surgeries
  2. Diet low in food sources of B12 ( vegetarian or vegans especially)
  3. Low levels of stomach acid- normal process of aging, or due to stomach acid blocking medication

If you think you may benefit from B vitamin injections or would like to discuss you symptoms with Dr Elise, please call Blossom clinic and schedule a consult at  503 287 0886